Rust never sleeps they say, and neither does plaque. That’s one of the reasons why regular professional teeth cleaning is such a good idea. So what are the others?  

At home brushing is only so good

When you’re brushing at home it’s easy to miss hard-to-reach places at the back of the mouth and in the areas between teeth. Over time, these deposits harden until they cannot be removed by brushing and flossing at home. 

As a preventative treatment, a professional cleaning removes these deposits and helps prevent further issues such as cavities and gum disease. That’s worthwhile: Studies show that people who visit the dentist at least once a year for preventative care end up with less cavities than those who don’t. 

It’s a vital part of a prevention-focused approach

Poor oral hygiene is the primary cause of bad breath. A certified dental hygienist or oral health therapist can remove the causes of bad breath – bacteria – and help you avoid the issues that are associated with poor oral health. 

It’s also a great opportunity for your hygienist to spot emerging issues before they grow into full-blown emergencies – helping you avoid future discomfort and expense. 

Not only will a professional cleaning help remove the bacteria that causes bad breath, cavities and gum disease, the smoother tooth surface (caused by the polishing action) helps prevent bacteria sticking to the surface, lowering the amount of bacteria in the mouth after cleaning.

Professional teeth cleaning feels great

Getting teeth cleaned is relatively quick and quite comfortable, plus having a clean, healthy mouth feels fantastic! The smooth, clean feeling is great motivation to keep the momentum going with regular appointments and daily at-home maintenance. 

(Regular cleanings from the dentist aren’t enough on their own of course. Twice daily brushing, coupled with daily flossing, a varied, mouth-friendly diet with looks of fresh fruit and vegetables, and regular check-ups is the key to ongoing oral and overall health.)

What can I expect from a professional cleaning session?

While different tools and techniques can be used, generally, professional teeth cleaning involves the removal of plaque (yellowish bacteria build-up that collects on teeth over time) and dental calculus (or ‘tartar’) from the tooth surface by a dental hygienist. 

Firstly, your dental hygienist will check for any signs of decay, disease and overall condition of the mouth. If there are underlying issues your oral health therapist will advise you on the best course of treatment. 

Then, using special tools, they will give your teeth a thorough cleaning and polishing to remove any plaque tartar or food debris that is present. 

If significant gum disease is present, your hygienist may perform a deep cleaning, involving scaling and root planing (targeted cleaning of the tooth root to remove plaque and tartar).

Your hygienist may also provide a professional fluoride treatment, which is shown to be effective in preventing cavities

Education is a big part of oral health therapy services, so expect your dental hygienist to talk about what you should do to keep your teeth and gums healthy when you’re not in the dentist’s chair, including proper brushing and flossing techniques.

Simply Dental provides a range of hygiene services including:

  • Assessment of your current oral health status and self-care habits
  • Dietary support and advice
  • Personal oral hygiene advice and instruction and products
  • Cleaning and removal of hardened plaque build-up (above and below the gum line)
  • Stain removal
  • Polishing fillings to maximise their function, durability and appearance
  • Coatings to protect vulnerable and/or sensitive surfaces
  • Fluoride treatments
  • Mouth guards
  • Bite-splints

How often should I see a dental hygienist?

Seeing a hygiene professional twice a year is a good place to start. If you have more significant health issues, or are at risk of developing cavities etc, your hygienist will advise you on an appropriate treatment schedule.  

In some instances, your professional cleaning might be covered by insurance. After all, it is in the insurer’s best interest if their clients take care of their oral health, so check your insurance plan to see if it covers routine cleanings.

Simply Dental’s trained clinical team will work with you to create care plan focused on your happiness and health. Make a booking with Simply Dental here or call 0800 123 343.