Looking for teeth whitening in Wellington? Call Simply Dental on 0800 123 343 to book now.

Whether it’s part of an important day such as a wedding or job interview, or just for the confidence boost that comes with a clean-looking, bright smile, professional tooth whitening is a popular choice for those looking to upgrade their smile quickly and affordably. 

How does it work?

Available from dental professionals, Opalescence Teeth Whitening is a chemical process that uses hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide to whiten teeth. Oxidising molecules enter the enamel and dentin, converting discolourations into simpler – and lighter-coloured – molecules, producing a brighter, whiter smile. 

Opalescence Whitening products are ‘sticky’, so they adhere to teeth for maximum effect and keep the product off sensitive gums. 

A safe and effective solution, Opalescence teeth whitening is currently the most popular professional teeth whitening brand in the world.

Is Opalescence Whitening effective? 

Yes, Opalescence treatments work very well when used according to a professional’s directions.  

Everyone responds to whitening treatments differently, and there is often a little natural variation in how quickly a tooth surface whitens. Yellow and brown discolouration tends to whiten more easily than grey-hued stains, and young people tend to experience more dramatic results. 

What is the in-house procedure like? 

Firstly, an initial shade will be taken of your teeth. The teeth whitening gel will then be shielded from your gums with a barrier to prevent irritation. The Opalescence Boost teeth whitening gel will be applied by your dentist using a soft, brushed tip. Depending on your results, your dentist may decide to apply another round of gel. Results are visible in about an hour. 

For in-house procedures, great results can be achieved from a single session lasting one hour and 20 minutes. A self-care maintenance kit is given to you for touch-ups at home.

How long do the results last?

The duration of whitening outcomes varies depending on factors such as genetics, diet, age, certain prescription drugs (such tetracycline), and certain habits (such as smoking and coffee/tea consumption).

You can use Opalescence Whitening on any unnatural tooth surface, however crowns, bridges, fillings, and veneers will not whiten. 

As the effects of a whitening procedure begin to fade, touch-up procedures can be performed quickly and easily.

How bright should I go? 

While many people desire a ‘Hollywood white’ smile, this level of whitening can be difficult to achieve and in most instances, produces a result too extreme to be considered natural-looking. 

Rule of thumb: a shade that matches the whites of your eyes is a good target. 

Can Opalescence Whitening produce tooth sensitivity or damage teeth? 

Tooth sensitivity is a fairly common side effect of whitening treatments. This discomfort is not a sign of tooth damage. Temporary tooth sensitivity can be easily treated with desensitising toothpastes and gels.

A 2008 study found that while treatment is safe, Opalescence does have some effect on tooth enamel. The research found that while bleaching was very effective, it did promote a reduction in enamel hardness. Other studies have found that the potassium nitrate and fluoride introduced after Opalescence whitening treatments actually help to reduce cavities, minimise sensitivity, increase enamel hardness, and improve the overall health of your teeth.

Is professional teeth whitening for everyone?

Those with gum disease, worn enamel, cavities, and exposed roots may not be good candidates for whitening their teeth. Simply Dental provides a refundable pre-whitening dental appointment in Wellington consultation to help you choose the professional option that best fits your needs.

It is recommended that pregnant or breastfeeding women, women undergoing fertility treatment, and patients with serious health concerns should not use teeth whiteners.

Is Opalescence Whitening produced ethically? 

Yes. Opalescence whitening products are cruelty-free and are not tested on animals, and all Opalescence whitening products are vegan, animal by-product free, and kosher certified.

Teeth whitening in Wellington

Looking for a dentist that provides in-clinic and take-home Opalescence teeth whitening in Wellington? Contact Simply Dental on 0800 123 343.